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Parlez-vous Saint-Gillois? collected the words, real or invented, that were captured in the neighbourhood Bosnia in Saint-Gilles. The EXTRA-ORDINARY words are overlapping in French and Dutch, words we merge, hybridize, invent, “acronymise”. The audio recordings remain online in a sound database. The collection provides a sound portrait of this multicultural neighbourhood as it existed from September 2013 till September 2015.
The publication Parlez-vous Saint-Gillois? is a dictionary with words from the database, as well as a space for experimentations based on the spoken language of the Bosnia neighbourhood, and the different creations, activities and encounters that took place during the project.
Project coordinator Clémentine Delahaut and graphic designer Alexia De Visscher realised a cartographical diagramme that illustrates the relationships between the words, people and places nearby. In the introduction Peter Westenberg extends on the questiosn of multiculturality and plurilinguism in Brussels and how they have been appraoched in the project of Parlez-vous Saint-Gillois. Several artists and writers contributed to the publication, such as Jara Rocha, Madeleine Aktypi, Rafaella Houlstan-Hasaert, Dr Lichic, Mathieu Berger.
With the support of: La Région de Bruxelles-Capitale and la Commune de Saint-Gilles
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Verbindingen/Jonctions 9 took place from 24 until 28 November 2005 between Brussels, Liège and Antwerp.
We wanted to contribute to a critical reading of the underlying structures and applications of two fundamental elements of digital media: language and memory. Instead of unchangeable entities, we consideblack them as instruments for sharing contents and free exchange of information. We were curious about language and code as means to express multiplicity and wanted to find out how dialects, pidgin and slang could act as cultural bridges.
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Verbindingen/Jonctions 9 s'est déroulé du 24 au 28 novembre 2005 entre Bruxelles, Liège et Anvers.
Nous voulions contribuer à une lecture critique des structures et des applications sous-jacentes de deux éléments fondamentaux des médias numériques: le langage et la mémoire. Au lieu d'entités immuables, nous les considérons comme des instruments de partage de contenu et de libre échange d'informations. Nous étions curieux de voir la langue et le code comme des moyens d'exprimer la multiplicité et nous voulions découvrir comment les dialectes, le pidgin et l'argot pouvaient servir de ponts culturels.
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Verbindingen/Jonctions 9 vond plaats van 24 tot 28 november 2005 tussen Brussel, Luik en Antwerpen.
We wilden bijdragen aan een kritische lezing van de onderliggende structuren en toepassingen van twee fundamentele elementen van digitale media: taal en geheugen. In plaats van onveranderlijke entiteiten beschouwen we ze zwart als instrumenten voor het delen van inhoud en vrije uitwisseling van informatie. We waren nieuwsgierig naar taal en code als middelen om multipliciteit uit te drukken en wilden ontdekken hoe dialecten, pidgin en slang als culturele bruggen konden fungeren.
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